What will I pay for Lo Loestrin® Fe?
AbbVie is committed to making your Lo Loestrin® Fe treatment affordable and accessible.
The Lo Loestrin® Fe list price, also known as the wholesale acquisition cost (WAC),1 is $171 per month. However, the amount you pay will largely depend on your health insurance coverage.
Depending on insurance coverage, eligible patients with commercial insurance using a Lo Loestrin® Fe savings card may pay as little as $25 for a three-month prescription fill. If your commercial insurance does not cover Lo Loestrin® Fe, you may pay as little as $30 per 1-month or $70 per 3-month prescription fill.*
Select your coverage for pricing and savings information:

To learn more about how health insurance works, click here.
For more information on Lo Loestrin® Fe, visit LoLoestrin.com or call us at
1 (800) 678-1605 (option 5).
*"Eligibility: Available to patients with commercial insurance coverage for Lo Loestrin Fe who meet eligibility criteria. This co-pay assistance program is not available to patients receiving prescription reimbursement under any federal, state, or government-funded insurance programs (for example, Medicare [including Part D], Medicare Advantage, Medigap, Medicaid, TRICARE, Department of Defense, or Veterans Affairs programs) or where prohibited by law. Offer subject to change or termination without notice. Restrictions, including monthly maximums, may apply. This is not health insurance. For full Terms and Conditions, visit here or call 1-855-439-2817 for additional information. To learn about AbbVie’s privacy practices and your privacy choices, visit https://privacy.abbvie”
1The price at which AbbVie® sells its products to wholesalers.
2Symphony Health®. Anonymous longitudinal patient data (APLD): September 2021 – August 2022